Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Scale Up Nightmare

I woke up this morning realising that I had been dreaming about the Scale Up project. It was really detailed dream in which I gave my students an activity to complete that involved estimating the number of toffees (the flat ones in the gold wrappers) in a tin of Quality Street.

There was a bit of confusion at first as the students struggled to understand the relevance of this activity to a social sciences course, but I expalined that it was about research skills and sampling. The fact that they got to share the sweets at the end was a further "convincer".

The good thing about the dream was that it didn't involve any scary scenarios about booting up Mac Books - in fact no technology was involved at all. I had been discussing earlier in the day (in real life) with my teaching team the need to have low tech alternative lesson plans for When the Technology Goes Wrong, so this was pertinent.

I have put together a "baseline" questionnaire for the new students which will ascertain how many currently have mobile devices and which OS they are familiar with. (you can access this here)

I am hopeful this will tell me whether (as I hope) a good proportion will be able to Bring Their Own Device to class.