Friday, 4 October 2013

Scaled down

I ran the same Research and Professional Practice session with 25 students on Friday in an "overspill" seminar we have had to add because our course over recruited. 25-30 is a normal seminar group size for me.

What a difference I experienced!  Quieter for a start, much easier to wander around and chat to groups on the four tables; I was also better prepared and remembered to set up the Twitterfall screen and even tried out Apple TV (worked with one lap top but not another...)

Students got on with the tasks without much hesitation and even began tweeting their responses in some cases. It was possible to chat and respond to questions without having to dash across the room to hear them or switch on the mic to give an answer.

A bit of me now wants to get my whole module reorganised into 2 groups of around 50 rather than try and run the big room with 90 students on Mondays, but I am also determined to try the large group experience at least for a little while longer, with my Friday small group almost as a "control".
Comparing the two experiences (as student and as student) will be interesting.

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